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28 July 2013

25 weeks

{sorry for the delay! With my showers being last weekend and family being in town the blog got away from me last weekend, and I don't have a belly picture:( }

How far along: 25 weeks

Weight gain/loss: +15 lbs. at 151, I might have to stop posting this soon... haha 

Maternity clothes: shorts and pants, yes! Still loving my maxi dresses!

Sleep: this is getting easier each night.

Best moment this week: We had a few this week:
- We had a peri appt. on Monday and learned my vasa previa has moved away from my cervix (about 1cm) --- details below in health update.

-we had our newborn care class

-We were showered twice this weekend and are so blessed by all the love and gifts for the boys!

Food cravings: No specific cravings but still eating lots of fruit.

Food aversions: still meat and big portions

Movement: lots and lots
 Gender: BOYS!

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks and lower back pain

Looking forward to: putting all the boys things away and doing some serious nesting.

Baby/Momma Update: My Peri appt on Monday should have lasted 20 minutes, but instead we were there for over an hour. The tech usually does all the boys measurements (every 2 weeks they get their bellies, kidneys and stomachs measured for Twin to Twin and every 4 weeks they get full measurements) After measurements are in our Peri comes in and lets us know how everything is looking. Boys this week were still sharing perfectly! Then the tech checks my cervix (which was a 3.8) and vasa previa with my doctor in the room so he can make sure he sees everything.
When they went to look at/measure my vasa previa, the room went silent and my doctor took over the ultrasound machine and was still quiet for about 20 minutes. He kept saying "I know its here" and then would push on my stomach to move Grayson's head. I of course was in a full on sweat and panic wondering what was happening.
To make a long story short my vasa previa has moved from its last location which was right up against my cervix to about 1cm away. This is a good thing. He told us if it keeps moving away, we will likely consider keeping the boys in to 37 weeks, which made us REALLY happy! At our 30 week appointment he said he would more than likely make the call. So fingers crossed!

26 week update coming tomorrow and shower pictures later in the week!


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