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07 September 2013

32 weeks {Week one in the hospital, done}

How silly is he? He came in with this big grin on his face last weekend and my camera in hand and told me did a photo shoot for me. This is what was on the camera. He keeps me on my toes for sure. It did make my day.

How far along: 32 weeks, 4 days

Weight gain/loss: this I’m not sure on. They haven’t weighted me since my first day here. But I bet I’m heavier than usual as I’ve had lots of treats sent my way and the hospital chocolate chip cookies are to die for.  

Maternity clothes: Wearing lots of yoga pants and sweaters here in the hospital

Sleep: not good, at all. I don’t sleep well in strange places anyway, and going from a King size bed to a hospital twin has been quite an adjustment. I maybe get 5 hours of sleep a night.

Best moment this week: the out pouring of love we have received from everyone with our stay here. Family, friends and even the nurses here have all made this a little bit easier.

Food cravings: Still loving fruit, lemonade, the hospital cookies (and their grilled cheese)

Food aversions: none.

Movement: Lots of movement.

Gender: MY BOYS!

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, really uncomfortable, trouble breathing sometimes, anxiety, and stress.

Miss anything: My house, dog, bed and time with hubby.

Looking forward to: October. Every time a nurse changes the date on my white board, it’s a day closer to seeing my boys!

  Baby/Momma Update:

  Baby update

 We had a sono on Thursday. All was still the same. Cervix was still at a 2.3, which left me feeling a little defeated. I had heard so many stories of people going into hospital bed rest, their condition improving and them getting to go home. I didn’t have my hopes up (well maybe just a little) but when I got back to my room I had a major breakdown.

The boys still looked awesome, Greer flipped, again, to being a head down so now they are snuggled up next to each other. We won’t get weights on them again, until 3 weeks, which I guess will be right before they make their appearance.

 Momma update

I came into this whole deal kicking and screaming. My husband and nurses made the transition as pleasant as it could be. It was wonderful having Adam here Friday-Monday while I adjusted and got settled in. Monday night was hard knowing he wouldn’t be here in the morning. But he has come every lunch and every dinner, after work to sit with me.

I’ve had visitors in and out, almost daily, and while I love seeing everyone and it takes up part of my day, my nurses and I quickly realized its physically hard on me as it takes a little bit of time to recover afterwards (soreness from sitting, and breathing is super tough). I ended up losing my voice and getting bad headaches. So we’ve discussed limiting time on visitors and doing them a certain time of the day.

Monday night when Adam left I had a talk with myself to be as positive as possible about my situation since there was nothing I could do about it. Tuesday and Wednesday I was great, in a good mood and did things to keep me busy. (thank goodness I can still work from the hospital and that my co-workers are giving me things to do. I’m not sure what I would do without that) Thursday and Friday were rough again, emotionally. So I am excited the weekend is here and that Adam will be here the majority of the day and I can rest while still having him here.

Bed rest sounds glamorous to a lot of people. I’ve had loads of people telling me to “enjoy it” and how they would love to be told to be in bed for 4 weeks. But it’s everything far from that, especially when you don’t feel good and just want to be in your own bed with your own stuff.

I will however say, my anxiety about the boys has gone way down. Anytime I feel something funny or have a question, I have a nurse at the push of a button to help me and answer my questions.

My nurses have been nothing short of amazing. They’ve calmed me, reassured me and just chatted with me about the boys all to make me feel better and know what I am doing here is the best thing for all three of us.

 Here is how my day typically goes:

Mornings around here are the busiest. Between 6am and 11 am here is what takes place:

5:30-6 I get woken up to have vitals done.

7am – my new nurse comes in

Somewhere between 7am-8am every 3 days I have blood drawn

Somewhere between 8-9:30 : One of my OB’s stops by to see how I am, everyday (sometimes this is really early, think 5:45am, if that doc has a surgery here)

Every 2 days : someone from my Peri’s office stops by

After I eat breakfast, we do a NST (Non Stress Test) to track the littles heartbeats and my contractions for 25 minutes. I love being able to hear them for that long (and if they get hiccups, it’s a plus)
Then by the time I know it, its noon and Adam is on his way to see me for lunch.

 Then my nurse checks in on me a few times, I get Vitals read around 2pm again. Adam comes back after work (works out well since he can let traffic die down) My new night nurse appears at 7pm, I usually order dinner, Adam waits until it arrives and tests it for me, and then he goes back home.

After dinner my nurse comes back in and listens to the boys heart beats, gives me my vitamin and then leaves me alone unless I call. I get vitals done again around 9pm and then I shower and try to sleep.

Wash, rinse, repeat the next day.

 Thank you all for your sweet e-mails, comments and thoughts!

Enjoy your weekend!



  1. LOVE the picture!! So cute!! Glad to hear everything is going well! Continue to keep busy, think positive and be happy! Love reading your entries.


  2. I love your posts, and you, and your boys! Wash, rinse, repeat will be over soon! Hang in there. Praying for you daily. xxoo, SB peeps

  3. What a great husband! Such a cute picture! And he thought of it on his own! So sweet.

  4. Praying for you, Britt! Always remember that you, Adam and your boys are all on the same team and you're all working for the same goal.

  5. Bless your heart sweet girl! I am thinking of you.. The hubs is being extra sweet, I am glad you are still getting to spend quality time together giving the situation... Just think before you know it you two will have sweet baby boys :)
