I would give 2012 mixed reviews. And the only reason its "mixed" and not awful, is because I try and see the best in everything. 2012 was my most challenging year yet and challenging is an understatement, but what I've learned in my years, is having "tomorrow" makes everything great. My blog in 2013 will be geared towards what I've learned in my 20's and the kind of person I want to be in my 30's. Since that day is approaching quickly {May 5} I want to dedicate a weekly post to that big change in age I am coming up to.
Here is my year in an instagram review!
I decided to combine these two, as for me I feel like I didn't exist in these two months, ha! January and February were my most challenging for work by far, but I learned the most and it helped me to be better in my position today! We celebrated Cami's 5th birthday in January, I also traveled to Miami for work. February, one of Adam's cousins got married at a beautiful winery in Charlottesville, VA, I also traveled to Vegas for work the week after (me throwing away/destroying my grid after the end to my first big show)
Cousins came into town for Spring Break from Indiana, we met them at the beach, traveled to Atlanta for work and my bf and I got hypnotized (her more than me), we watched FLA State in March madness, and celebrated Bre's baby shower!
Sebastian Gramatica arrived!!!! :: we celebrated our last year in our twenties at the Ritz Carlton in Amelia Island :: it took Dr. Pepper, lots of water and wine to get me through 1st quarter, but I made it! :: Celebrated my Momma turning 57.
I turned 29, and spent my birthday in Miami with work :: sister-in-law graduated from my alma mater :: went to Ohio for work and got to stay with my BF, Raquel and her sweet sweet parents (we ate, drank and shopped A LOT) :: Hubbs took me to see Lady Antebellum!!! :: I died my hair playboy bunny blonde, never do that again :: and we ended the month with out annual wives and gentleman's club trip to Grayton Beach!
June was my favorite month, its probably the only reason I would consider this year to be great. We traveled a lot in June! I first went to Miami for work, 2 days later flew to NYC to see my Dad and sister, 2 days after I left there, The Laws clan flew to Seattle, spent a couple of days there, and then set sail to Alaska. This was by far the best trip of my life and I encourage everyone to go if you get the chance . (i also zip lined there, that took courage) We also celebrated Leah's baby shower!
In July I said goodbye to my car of almost 8 years, my wonderful VW Passat. There were tears and more tears, but I ended up with my wonderful Acura MDX that I couldn't love more. Towards the end of July my sweet sweet Pop passed away and made his way to Heaven to be with the love of his life, bittersweet.
Oh August, you and I will forever have a love/hate relationship. August was my hardest month. I'm not quite ready to share why, but will in the coming future. And I promise when I do share, I will share it all. The good things in August however were: 1. My amazing husband, if it wasn't for him, I'm not sure I would have the outlook on this year that I do today. Also, my sweet Avery Grace was born, my friend Leah (Averys mom) is the most deserving of this sweet baby and everything wonderful in life. We also helped my sister with a shoe and school supply drive in Grenada, at a orphanage she used to volunteer at :: and spent sometime healing by the sea.
In September I spent a lot of time healing myself and my soul. Hubbs and I spent a lot of time at the beach and even made a staycation weekend at the Don Cesar. Much needed, and a great weekend!
October brought us back with our FSU friends, we miss them all year long, and love coming back to Florida State to reunite. :: hubbs and I spent back to back weekends at the St. Pete Saturday Morning Market just to get these delicious pops :: I roasted my first whole chicken!!!!
In November I made my way to Ohio for a work meeting and holiday party {isn't my team the cutest?!}after that I drove to my Mammaw's house spent a little time with her, then brought her back to FLA with me for the holidays :: we celebrated our 3 year anniversary :: Hosted our first Thanksgiving :: and of course, went to the FLA ST/FLA game
December was spent doing lots of "Christmas Things" ::we decked our halls :: my whole family was in town for Christmas, which is my favorite thing about the holiday :: we went Paddle boarding with Uncle Greg, and had a blast::
Well that's a wrap, what a year. I am so looking forward to 2013. A new year, the ultimate restart button. 2012 has left me feeling more prepared for the new year, for work, for health, love, and turning 30. I thought I would dread coming into this year, but I don't feel an ounce of that. This year has taught me just how grateful I am for my amazing husband, wonderful family and close friends.
Here is to a beautiful new year.