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07 December 2012

Fridays Letters

Linking up with Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds for Fridays Letters!
Adam :: Very excited to have a weekend together this weekend! Full of a lot of Christmasing and a massage... mmmm can't wait!
Christmas Shopping :: you are DONE! Did ya hear that?! DONE!!!!!!!! Yes, this is the first time in my life I have tackled you in the first week of December! Now I get to enjoy the month of December and all the magic it brings!
KK :: Words can NOT express how excited I am to see you in a few weeks, 6 months is far, far too long.
Mammaw :: Thank you so much for looking after my little fur baby this week while I was at my show. She loves you so much, and so do I!
House :: you look so pretty with all your decorations up. They make you a little more cozy and lively, I wish I could keep them up all year long!
Happy Friday!
Monday, an update on the Laws 25 Days of Christmas and Capturing December Challenge!


  1. I am SO jealous you're officially done xmas shopping-I'm only halfway there!!! grr lol! Have an awesome weekend!

    hugs, april

  2. Do you want to do my Christmas shopping?

  3. Snap! All of my Christmas shopping done too! Feels good doesn't it?!

  4. Done with Christmas shopping? You're on the ball! I am so behind this year.

    Xo, B

  5. Visiting from the link up =)

    I am so totally jealous that you are done with your Christmas shopping already! I still have a bunch to do that I have been putting off. Whoops.

  6. I just finished my Christmas shopping this week as well! I just really don't want to wrap it :(
