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30 April 2013

My past 13 weeks - Part 1

how we got here .  .  .

The past 13 weeks have been a WHIRLWIND, and I'm not sure that word does it justice. For those of you that are new here, my pregnancy journey didn't start off so hot. You can read here to catch up.
In January, I was a week late. But auntie flow ended up rearing her ugly head. This however made me nervous as I have always been regular, and never been late or missed. So I scheduled an appt with my doctor. When I went in and explained what happened, my doctors response was "Oh, that just means you didn't ovulate." ummmm...what? We then went into a conversation about us starting to "try" again. She told me to get a few of the ovulation tests at the pharmacy, start monitoring myself, and report back to her. Well, that didn't last because 3 weeks later I was pregnant:)
One night hubbs did something, I can't remember what, and I flipped out on him. If you remember from the first time, and me throwing a remote control across the room, this was a weird thing for me. The next day, I couldn't stop thinking about my outburst. I kept thinking how weird it was. So a thought popped into my head to take a pregnancy test. I wasn't supposed to get my period until the weekend, and its monday, so the test probably wouldn't work anyway. WRONG! In about 10 seconds that sucker said 'Pregnant'.
I was elated! I had to wait all day for A to get home for me to tell him, but I was so good about keeping a secret all day and this is what he came home to.....

November? Yes, I was so prepped/terrified to get pushed back a week or so, because of last time, but after our first appointment I learned October was in fact correct . . . .oh yes and that "Baby Laws" would become "Laws Babies" . . .
see you tomorrow for part two.

29 April 2013

Our Nest

We officially announced this weekend that our little nest will be doubling in size in October! A and I are so over the moon excited to be welcoming identical twins this fall!
Here is our little announcement from the weekend!
I will do a few posts on my updates coming up this week! Just wanted to quickly share the good news on the blog!
happy happy monday!
*Linking up with Sami's Shenanigan's for Weekend Update

19 April 2013

Friday's Letters

hubbs : so glad you had a great 30th birthday. You're the only person in the world I would let buy himself a car on his 30th. Its hard to say no to you:) Can't wait for our little getaway in a few weeks. I love you. P.s fist bump and a high five ;)
City of Boston: I can't imagine the terror and fear you've been living through this past week. As I watch this chase unfold on CNN, my thoughts are glued to you.
Boston officials, police and National officials: Thank you for your hard work and long hours to catch these cowards. I've thought of your families all week, and how much worrying they must do every day when you leave for work. God Bless each and everyone one of you.
Boston Police and TSA: Thank you for making the Boston Airport feel safe on Tuesday as I flew out. You all had a strategy and logistics down pat. Your actions made for an easy and seamless departure. Thank you.
Weekend: I am so excited you are here and even more excited to be seeing you the next 5 weeks in a row. I plan to relax a lot and get this house in order.
Leah: my thoughts have been with you and D the past 2 days. I can't imagine how heart wrenching the decision you both had to make was yesterday. You two are great parents and doggy parents, and made the right decision for Jax. love you both ( and AG obvi)
spend time with your families this weekend, call the one's that aren't near you and soak up every minute of life that you can.
*linking up with Ashley for Friday's Letters*

18 April 2013


So since Google reader went away, I never used it, but I know a lot of people did. I wanted to share what I use to follow all my blogs, and how amazing it is!
*also quick side note for all my blogger friends, our "followers" counter will be going away soon, so if you have a favorite reader, let your followers know*
I have been using bloglovin' for a while now and i love love love it.
I can easily look at all my blogs in one place AND they have app, so I can pull up my blog and see new posts right on my phone. Its amazing!
I've tested out a few other readers and none have done it for me the way this one has!
Are you on bloglovin' yet? If so click the bloglovin' buttom on the right side of this screen, or if you're not on bloglovin' yet and would like to be, that button will also get you to the registration page.

17 April 2013

My Main Man turns 30 !!!!

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My sweet sweet husband,
where has the time gone? I feel as though it was just yesterday that we met at the mere age of 23. The past (almost) 7 years have been the best of my life. I have learned a lot about myself by loving you and being your wife. You have helped mold me into the woman I want to be and the woman I've always wanted to be. To think about how our paths crossed in life is mind boggling. The things that had to happen in both of our lives to get us to where we are today are multiple. Moves across this country in your family, divorces that happened in my family, schools we went to, jobs we took and the friends we made that all led us here. It makes all the hard times earlier in life, worth it. The statement above is truer than true. Your birthday is the happiest day of my life. For without you, I would not be me. I would not be fulfilled.
I love you more than words.


16 April 2013

home bound

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Heading home today!!! I am so over the moon excited to be taking my last flight for the year! (my other shows are in Florida for the rest of the year so I can drive) I am also anxious to get out of Boston, be through security and on my plane. What happened yesterday here in Boston, at the marathon is disgusting. Every time something tragic like this happens at an all American event/or venue, it makes you not feel safe to do anything, and that is unnerving. Coming from someone who travels often, this also puts your traveling days on edge. So needless to say, I am excited to be home, in my house with my hubby.

In my little down time I plan on doing the following:
organize my home (per post from yesterday)
go to the beach
meet hubby for lunch once a week
take clothes and donations to Salvation Army
go to my favorite tea spot with my brother
meet friends for lunch
shop (clearly)
take a little trip for the weekend
find estimates on cabinets for the garage (our shelving fell a few months ago, ugh)
stock up on greeting cards (my supply is getting low)
and a few other things here and there;)

15 April 2013

Spring errr... Summer Cleaning

I am in Boston until Tuesday of this week but, I am so excited to be on my last show until June. I will officially be not traveling for 6 weeks, YAY!
So with this semi-down time I will be organizing and cleaning the heck out of our home. I am a freak when it comes to organization and my husband is a clean freak (i don't use that term lightly). Over the past 3-4 months, our house has been placed on the back burner when it comes to organization. Its driving me nuts. There were days I just wanted to stop what I was doing and clean one of those dang closets. But I held back knowing I could give it my full attention for the next few weekends. My mom also happens to be a PRO at organization, so I am enlisting her help as well.
I have a good amount of closets in my house. I am not complaining, as I love closets and storage space. But with that being said, I have 7 closets, and a pantry to organize over the next 6 weeks.
I have found a few ideas on Pinterest that I am going to try and mimic. The Container Store just opened up in Tampa, so I am sure I will be taking frequent trips there in the upcoming month!
Here are a few ideas I have for my home....
Our guest bath closet is exactly this size (and I think our master bath closet is close to this size too), and this looks perfect....
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In my hall closet by the guest rooms, I plan on doing something similar to the below for all the gift wrapping supplies we have.
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thankfully both of our his/her closets in our master came as California Closets and manage to stay organized. But we have some serious donating of clothes to do.
happy Monday!
hope everyone has a good week!

11 April 2013

April/May Mantle

It was time to update the mantle from St Pattys day and Easter, and since we have no MAJOR holiday until July, April and May are birthday months for hubbs and I. (he's April, for about 2 weeks he'll be a 30 year old with a "twenty something" wife *wink*)
We are both turning 30 this year and are very much looking forward to what our thirties have in store for us! We spent a lot of our twenties growing, learning and forming ourselves and our marriage into exactly what we wanted it to be and got ourselves right where we wanted to be to start our thirties off in a positive and fulfilling way.
24 days and counting for me ......

09 April 2013

my sissy

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Wishing my sweet, and beautiful sister a very happy 27th birthday!
My sister is my soul mate. I wasn't the most thrilled three year old upon her arrival into this world. I actually would not let anyone hold her. All the attention had to be on me. And being the typical big sister at a young age, picked on her and fought with her relentlessly. But as we grew older, we found that sisterly love and respect for one another and have been inseparable ever since.
She can finish my sentences, know exactly how I am feeling, and when she doesn't she finds a way to understand. She is one of the most amazing women I know.
Happy 27th birthday sissy!
I love you to the moon!

08 April 2013

Weekend Update

 Happy Monday everyone!

We had a busy weekend, but it was the first weekend we haven't "felt" busy, doest that make sense?
Friday night we went and saw Jurassic Park in 3D. Hubbs had never seen Jurassic Park before (crazy, i know) so we went to our favorite movie theater and saw it. It was just as I remembered and A loved it!
and then Saturday, Hubbs cleaned the house, and our cars (thanks Gah!) while I went to one of my best friends son's 1st birthday party! All these little tots are growing up so fast and making Aunt Britt Britt feel OLD!
Sunday we had the whole day to lay around, and so we did. With a trip to Five Guys Burgers because we were both craving a burger. And then for dinner we met friends form Adam's work out for dinner at Eddie V's that just opened here in Tampa. I am not a seafood or steak girl, but i did get a fillet and it was yummy. However, their desserts rocked my world, my favorite was the flaming banana's foster butter cake. I tried to get a picture while the whole thing was engulfed in flames but my phone has been SUCKING recently and i didn't get it in time. It was close to being the best dessert I've ever had.
How was your weekend? Relaxing or full of events?

*Linking up with Sami's Shenanigan's for Weekend Update

02 April 2013

Soothing My Soul

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I've been think a lot about the things the soothe my soul recently. Maybe it's because I've been paying more attention to the details in my life and sorting out what really makes me happy and filling my days with more of those things. This might all be a part of my turning 30 in May and wanting the toxins and negativity that I've let linger in my 20's, not follow me into my 30's.
So here is a list of twenty things that help soothe me and get me back to feeling alive again:
1. hot shower - nothing cures me like a hot shower, when I am sick or anxious or in a bad mood this is my instant fix.
2. cooking
3. the beach - water in general soothes me
4. being in Chicago - I'm pretty sure I was destined to live in this city but my journey never put me there to reside
5. The smell of sunscreen
6. a good rainstorm
7. a great fire in a fireplace

8. A day in the sun

9. fruit, when its perfectly ripe

10. the first day of a vacation/trip

11. a big comfy chair/couch with a blanket

12. a brand new book

13. a clean house

14. Napa valley - Napa is one of the few places I've been that has made me feel alive. The views there are incredible and not looking at buildings everywhere you turn is refreshing.

15. my big comfy kind size bed

16. music

17. fresh air

18. ice cream on a cone

19. a new outfit

20. holidays - even though they can be stressful at times, being around family and friends renews me.

What soothes your soul? Do we have any similarities?

Looking forward to the weekend! 2 more days!



Hope you all had a fabulous Easter! Hubbs and I headed to Orlando on Saturday to my Mom's house. My sister was in town also, which was a huge bonus for me, since I haven't seen her since Christmas!
We celebrated Easter by the pool in the afternoon and then head to my sisters in-laws for Easter dinner. We also celebrated my sisters birthday since its on the 9th and we won't see her. The food was delicious and I brought cupcakes from Gigi's and they were magnificent!

i miss this girl so much! Can't wait to see her soon!
What did you do for Easter? Did you use it to relax or did you see family and friends?