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05 November 2012

Days 3, 4 & 5

Day 3: Today I am thankful for my hometown of Orlando. I love growing up in this entertainment city, it never left for a boring day. There is nothing like going home.

Day 4: Today I am thankful for my Momma! I love going home to spend time with her, chat and have a few laughs. My Mom and I have similar humor (not always appropriate) so when we get together, watch out!

Adam and I went to Orlando this weekend to attend a family friends wedding. We had a marvelous time! Here are a few pictures from the weekend::

Day 5: Today I am thankful for all my Mom's friends. Many of them were second mothers to me while gowing up and have helped shape who I am today. All of them are strong, independent and lovable women. They are always a phone call away and have a special place in my heart!


Happy Monday!


  1. So sweet about your mom! I think it is great for girls to see positive female relationships- I know I value my friends so much and hope to pass that on to my daughters! Just found your blog and I have enjoyed getting to know you better. Hope you don't mind that I follow along!

    new follower :)
