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08 November 2012

My Little Fur Baby

Day 8: Today I am thankful for my little fur baby, Campbell. She brings so much joy to our house and is the greatest companion to us both.

Adam and I first got Campbell when we were dating, actually when we first started dating, about four months into our relationship. (Which today, I would tell someone they were crazy for doing) Nonetheless, she has been through it all with us, which is why, I believe, she hold such a special place in both of our hearts.

She's my companion all day while I work from home. She lays at my feet, falls asleep to my music, barks at the lawn men, sometimes wants to sleep in between me and the back of my chair, sits perfectly next to me while I eat my lunch at my desk (just in case something falls), falls asleep again and knows just when I need her to jump on my lap and give me some love.

Adam and I (and our families) joke that we are pretty sure she is part human. This little girl, has to have her eyes covered if shes trying to sleep when the sun is out, has to be touching someone almost all the time, knows when an ice cream lid is lifted, knows when she is getting her picture taken and sleeps just like we do, in our kind size bed, head on the pillow body under the covers.

She is such a joy and I can not possibly imagine life without her.

Happy Thursday!


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