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02 May 2013

My past 13 weeks - part 3

Symptoms and high risk .  .  .
Weeks 6-10 were full of major food aversions, dry heaving, throwing up once and just feeling awful. BUT I promised I wouldn't complain if God let me keep this amazing pregnancy.
My aversions consisted of: all meats (which is tough for me because I love turkey and chicken), veggies, mac and cheese, peanut butter, anything sweet (besides fruit).
But the things I did eat were: salads, fruit, pizza and junk.
This was all really hard for me. For those of you who regularly follow, I eat pretty clean, and love my protein. And these four weeks, I ate like a 3 year old. Since then I've gradually started adding things back to my diet. Chicken is still sometimes tough for me. My first meat was a 5 Guys burger (what?!?!) and then hubbs made me buffalo turkey burgers that were out of this world, and I've had those once a weeks since because I just crave them. I'm hoping in a few weeks, I'll be back to eating anything, fingers crossed.
Our pregnancy is very high risk. Women's bodies aren't meant/built to carry two babies at one time, so when multiple pregnancies happen, you must see a Perinatologist. We got very lucky with ours! His name is Dr. Kalter, he is super thorough, great at explaining everything and happens to be right upstairs from my OB.
Our first appointment with Dr. Kalter was at 12 weeks and we went in for our initial consult and NT testing. The staff at this office was amazing and we loved being in an ultrasound and seeing our babies for almost an entire hour:) They would wiggle when they weren't supposed to and lay still when she needed them to move. Ha! Stubborn?! our kids?! nothing like their parents *wink*
here is the US we got from that visit
they were so funny to watch! As I'm writing this, the rest of my blood work came back and my nurse says it all looks "beautiful", no issues. So now all I have to do is concentrate on cooking these littles.
This past weekend I experienced some pain and pressure that scared me. So the doctor on call at my practice told me to go ahead into triage at our hospital and get checked out to be safe. So we went. This all felt too familiar to me. I was terrified driving to the hospital.
However, when I got there, my nerves were calmed a little. I was at a different hospital than the last time. This triage unit was just for pregnant women, it wasn't just a hospital ER. The nurses were so great and my on call doctor ended up coming in to see me. Much different experience than the prior.
During the ultra sound, the tech said the babies looked great, my cervix looked great and their fluid looked great. The only concern was that now my sonogram is showing that I have Placenta Previa.
Placenta Previa is when part of the placenta covers the cervix. This isn't too much to worry about unless it stays like this. In that case I will 100% have to have a c-section. (which I bet I will have anyway). But for now, I have to stay off my feet as much as possible, no exercise, no high activity, no lifting as Previa can casue major bleeding. So, now we hope this issue ends up correcting itself, which since I am so early, should.
again, fingers crossed!
Thanks for following along with our story!
tomorrow I will start my week updates, and then will continue those once a week.
tomorrow is friday! yay yay!


  1. Can't wait to see that belly grow and celebrate you this weekend!

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