...and he is so excited about that!
How far along: 18 weeks, 2 days
gain/loss: +6 lbs. at 142 (starting weight 136)
clothes: Loving all Gap maternity! I think this week is the last week I can pull off my non-pregnant shorts.
Sleep: Sleep is a little better. waking up a few times really sore and starting to wake up really hungry around 4am
Best moment this week: We registered on Sunday. It was fun {for me only for the first hour, for hubbs, the whole 3.5} Also I am starting to feel a bit of movement in there!!!
cravings: pasta, protein shakes, strawberries {sometimes with sugar sprinkled on top}, watermelon.
aversions: still meat. I talked to my OB about it this week and she is not at all concerned with eating since the twins are growing perfectly. But she is happy I am drinking my shakes.
a little bit!
Pressure here and there, lower back pain and some serious stretching
Looking forward
to: Our peri (high risk) appointment next Friday. I love going to that office. I learn so much and get to see the littles for a long time!
Baby/momma medical update: I had a regular OB checkup this week and all went great. She found both heart beats on Doppler, & my belly measured at 22 weeks {which is good for twins to be 4-6 weeks ahead}
She did however tell me I need to be off my feet as much as possible for the next few weeks. {when we left she said "feet up" and Adam replied with "I have no problem feeding her and making her eat" the doctor and I both started laughing and said "FEET"} She wants as much weight off my cervix as possible. So no standing for long or walking around too much. It's going to be a long summer folks.
For those of you who know me, know how tough this is for me. I am "doer" and a "go, go, go person" This also hinders the "travel" portion of my work. Although both shows are only a quick drive to Orlando, they don't think its a good idea for me to be on my feet for that amount of time. Thankfully, I have an amazing boss, company and team. They have all rallied around me and are helping with the "at show" portion of my job. Have I mentioned I love them? There is nothing better than having an amazing, supportive and understanding boss and team. Mine rock!
I am hoping to be mobile in time for my second show in July that is in Orlando. My boss is actually going to that show as well, so I would love to give her a big squeeze in person and thank her!
Hoping you all are having a great week!
Avery and I will be bringing meals and coming over once a week to entertain you. Let me know if you need help with Cami too. Love you and those boys!