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20 May 2013

Weekend Update

I have a love/hate relationship with busy weekends. I love all the things we get to do and accomplish but hate it when I feel like we didn't get to relax once. This weekend was one of those weekends.
Friday we attended the Dick Vitale Gala in Sarasota. The gala was for The V Foundation for Cancer Research. I had no idea how many celebrities in the sports world would be there, so it was fun getting to meet all of them and bring awareness to this great foundation. They inducted 3 college coaches into their hall of fame: Bobby Bowden, Jim Calhoun, and Bill Self. Clearly with my hubby being a Seminole, being able to hear Bobby speak again was great!

Saturday I helped my little brother find a new place closer to the hospital where he'll be doing his clinicals for the next two years in med school. It went great and we found him a rad spot! While I did that hubbs stayed home and finished the musical rooms game. Got the new nursery completely cleared out and the guest bed moved into the new guestroom. He is awesome! That night he grilled a flank steak and I made a favorite salad of ours {which I will post the recipe to this week}.
Sunday I woke up not feeling so hot and super dizzy. So we made breakfast and I laid down for a bit. We then headed to Ikea to get our dresser for the nursery! And then spent three hours putting it together, gotta love Ikea:) But we had fun! Sunday night we went to see the Great Gatsby with another couple. It was fantastic! I had heard there were bad reviews, but I think it was excellent and I will be buying the soundtrack today!!!

this was the finished project! The walls are NOT staying that color and we just hung the picture there to measure a few things since that will be a gallery wall. {and yes, being the organized freak that I am, I already bought drawer organizers}.
Hope y'all had a great weekend!


  1. Lauren FaulknerMay 20, 2013

    Reid has the same dresser and loves it! We use it as his changing station. If you are painting anything to match let us know- I have the paint match! XOXO

  2. Hey Lauren - yes, we are using it as a changer too! I love it!
